Continuing Education requirements
All license holders are required to obtain 15 hours of continuing education credits in order to renew their license each year.
CE requirements
The Insurance Agents and Adjusters Regulation sets out the Continuing Education (CE) requirements for insurance agents, brokers, and independent adjusters.
The requirements for resident and non-resident agents and adjusters vary depending on the residence of the agent or adjuster.
CE requirements are based on the residence of the agent (i.e. the province where they live), not their home jurisdiction (the province where they are licensed).
- Residence determines continuing education requirements
- Home jurisdiction determines qualifications for a license

Alberta Resident Agents and Adjusters
Life and Accident & Sickness insurance agents, General insurance agents, and adjusters who hold an active license, or held a license in the previous certificate term, must obtain 15 hours of continuing education credits as a condition of renewing their licenses. (A certificate term reflects the period from July 1 to the next June 30.)
Licensees are required to demonstrate they have completed 15 hours of approved continuing education courses for each class of license being renewed. They are required to enter all approved courses under their AIC profile.
- You can carry forward up to a maximum of 7.5 hours of credits for each insurance class from one certificate term to the next.
- AIC conducts random audits to validate licensees are in compliance. Keep a copy of all CE certificates for a period of three years following the expiry of the license term. You may be asked to provide a copy of those records as part of a random audit.
- Licensees are not required to send copies of their CE certificates to AIC, unless specifically requested to do so during an audit.
Agents/adjusters who have not entered sufficient continuing education credits will not be able to renew their licenses until sufficient courses have been entered. Failure to complete the CE requirements by June 30 will cause your license(s) to automatically expire and you will not be authorized to act as an insurance agent or adjuster until you have satisfied the CE requirement and re-applied for your certificate(s).
Approved CE courses in Alberta are reviewed and accredited by the Alberta Accreditation Committee.
First-time licensees
CE hours for first-time agents or adjusters may be pro-rated or waived, depending on when they become licensed.
First nine months of the certificate term (July 1st to March 31st): As per Regulations, the number of hours required is calculated on a pro-rated basis, which is 1.25 hours multiplied by the number of months remaining in the term. For example, an individual that has been licensed since March 2024 will be required to complete five hours (4 months X 1.25 hours) of CE.
Last three months of the certificate term (April 1st to June 30th): Licenses issued on or after May 1st will have an expiry date for the following year. Agents who become licensed in the final three months of a certificate term are not required to obtain CE credits for that year only.
Who is exempt from CE requirements?
Individuals who hold:
- A general insurance certificate limited to only hail and livestock insurance.
- An adjuster’s certificate limited to hail insurance, travel insurance, or equipment warranty insurance; or
- A certificate holder whose resident jurisdiction already has CE requirements determined to be satisfactory to Alberta’s requirements
Non-resident agents and adjusters
The following non-resident jurisdictions have been determined to have a satisfactory continuing education requirement. As a result, non-Alberta resident agents and adjusters living in the below jurisdictions are exempt from having to complete the Alberta CE requirements:
- British Columbia
- Saskatchewan
- Manitoba
- Ontario (RIBO – General)
- Ontario (FSRA – Life including A&S Only)
- Quebec
- The following US States: New York, Ohio, Nevada, Michigan, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Washington State, North Carolina, Illinois, and Maryland.
Note: General insurance agents and adjusters in Ontario whose licenses are issued by FSRA are not exempt from the continuing education requirements in Alberta.
If you need clarity whether this exemption applies to you, please email Please include your CIPR number or your license number in the subject line of the email.
FAQs about CE requirements
To enter a course:
- Log into your AIC portal with your CIPR# or email address and password.
- Click the purple “Current Reported CE courses” box.
- Click the purple “Report a course” in the top right of the screen.
- Enter the course number and completion date from your CE certificate provided by your course provider.
You are required to contact the course provider if you’ve completed a course and:
- you cannot find it posted on our web site;
- the date you are using is outside the approved date range;
- it has not been approved for a specific class of license; or
- the number of CE hours is different than what the course provider has indicated on the CE certificate they issued to you
Visit CE Course Lookup to see all approved CE courses and the course dates. All listed courses have been approved by the Alberta Accreditation Committee.
If you are an individual who is exempt from the CE requirements, once the renewal period begins on May 1, you will need to enter your non-resident license number and the CE Status report will be updated at that time to reflect “meets requirements to renew” to allow you to renew your license.
To add your non-resident license number:
- Click on the “Non-Alberta License” tab.
- Click on “Add License.”
- Enter your non-resident license number and select the name of your regulator from the drop-down menu.
- Select the insurance class and confirm the CE declaration box.
- Click “Save License.”
If you need clarity whether this exemption applies to your situation, please email Please include your CIPR number or your license number in the subject line of the email.
Log into your AIC profile and check your CE Summary Report.
There are no provisions under the Insurance Act or Regulations to allow an exemption for agents who are on long-term disability or maternity leave.
Only the course provider may apply for accreditation. View the Alberta Accreditation Committee request form and instructions for more information.
New agents/adjusters may use credits earned by an approved course towards their first reporting period, provided the course was taken in that certificate term.
You can still add courses in a CE term that has been closed. Since you will not be able to modify or delete the course once it has been saved, you will be asked if you want to continue to save the course. Click the “Continue” or “Cancel” button to proceed.