Appeal a decision

An individual who is affected by a decision of the General Insurance Council, the Life Insurance Council, or the Insurance Adjusters’ Council may appeal the decision to the Insurance Councils Appeal Board of Alberta.

About ICAB

The Insurance Councils Appeal Board (ICAB) is a separate entity from the Councils and is comprised of both elected and appointed members. The Insurance Councils Appeal Board is impartial and, in accordance with the Insurance Councils Regulation,

“(4) No member of the Appeal Board who has an interest in the subject-matter raised in a notice of appeal, whether directly or because of the member’s position, affiliation or involvement in or with an organization, firm or business, may participate in the panel that will decide the appeal.”

s. 17(4) Insurance Councils Regulation AR 126/2001

Process of appeal

AIC cannot provide legal advice to a current or former holder of a certificate of authority (“license”). However, as disclosed in all Council Decisions, the Insurance Act and its Regulations outline the requirements of the process of appeal:

Excerpt from the Insurance Act, RSA 2000 c. I-3:

s. 482 A decision of the Minister under this Part to refuse to issue, renew or reinstate a certificate of authority, to impose terms and conditions on a certificate of authority, to revoke or suspend a certificate of authority or to impose a penalty on the holder or former holder of a certificate of authority may be appealed in accordance with the regulations.

Excerpt from the Insurance Councils Regulation, Alberta Regulation 126/2001:

Notice of appeal

16(1) A person who is adversely affected by a decision of a council may appeal the decision by submitting a notice of appeal to the Superintendent within 30 days after the council has mailed the written notice of the decision to the person.

(2) The notice of appeal must contain the following:

a) a copy of the written notice of the decision being appealed;

b) a description of the relief requested by the appellant;

c) the signature of the appellant or the appellant’s lawyer;

d) an address for service in Alberta for the appellant;

e) an appeal fee of $200 payable to the Provincial Treasurer.

(3) The Superintendent must notify the Minister and provide a copy of the notice of appeal to the council whose decision is being appealed when a notice of appeal has been submitted.

(4) If the appeal involves a suspension or revocation of a certificate of authority or a levy of a penalty, the council’s decision is suspended until after the disposition of the appeal by a panel of the Appeal Board.

Address for Superintendent of Insurance:

Superintendent of Insurance
Alberta Finance
402 Terrace Building
9515 107 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T5K 2C3

Click here to see bulletins, notices, and enforcement activities issued by the Superintendent of Insurance.

Guideline for self-represented litigants

If you’d like to appeal a Council Decision, AIC has a guideline for self-represented litigants that provides procedural information about that process. The guideline outlines the procedures for appealing a decision of the Insurance Councils before the Insurance Councils Appeal Board of Canada.

Do you know what is allowable and prohibited as a licensed insurance professional?

Ensure compliance with the legislative requirements for your license: read up on the Insurance Act & its Regulations.

Insurance Act & Regulations