Life License Qualification Program (LLQP)

About the LLQP
An individual is required to complete the Life License Qualification Program (LLQP) from an approved course provider and pass the LLQP exam in order to apply for a license to sell life insurance products in Alberta.
When students register for the examination, the CIPR database will automatically be checked for a current student certification. Certifications are valid for a period of 1 year from the initial date of certification.
The Harmonized LLQP is regulated nationally by the Canadian Insurance Services Regulatory Organizations (CISRO) and consists of four modules:
• Accident and Sickness Insurance
• Ethics and Professional Practice
• Life Insurance
• Segregated Funds and Annuities
LLQP Exam Pilot Questions
Five pilot questions have been added to every LLQP exam. This process is intended to help pretest all new questions before they are incorporated into the exams that candidates are required to pass.
These pilot questions are to be answered within the 75-minute time frame, but are excluded from a candidate’s final score. In order to ensure the pilot questions are answered and valid data can be gathered, candidates are not informed of the position of the questions. View more information regarding the pilot testing.
FAQs about LLQP exams
Yes, certified students have the option to write the exams in four, 75-minute sittings on the same day or dispersed over one year. (Exam sittings are subject to availability)
A copy of the approved study material will be provided to you on an electronic reader. No other materials are permitted.
The number of questions in each exam is:
- Life insurance – 75 minutes and 30 questions, plus an additional five pilot questions
- Segregated funds and annuities – 75 minutes and 30 questions, plus an additional five pilot questions
- Accident and sickness insurance – 75 minutes and 30 questions, plus an additional five pilot questions
- Ethics and professional practice – 75 minutes and 20 questions, plus an additional five pilot questions
Individuals already licensed in Accident & Sickness in Alberta and who are seeking a Life license must be certified in the Harmonized LLQP by an approved course provider. They will be required to pass:
- Life Insurance exam and
- Segregated Funds & Annuities exam
Course providers determine which modules must be completed as a part of each program. A student is certified by the course provider when the entire program is satisfactorily completed. Upon completion, participants may register to write any exam that has been completed as part of the program.
Yes, students who wish to write the LLQP exam in French, please contact AIC to make this arrangement in advance of your exam date.
Ready to register for an exam?
If you're ready to register and write the exam for your license, view the schedule and locations for the required exams.
Exam schedules & locations