Licensing a business as a Designated Representative

About Designated Representatives

Businesses must hold separate licenses for each class of insurance (i.e. Life, Accident & Sickness, General, Adjuster) they intend to sell and have a qualified Designated Representative (DR) for the same class of insurance. We only allow one DR per agency/firm and license class. 

The Designated Representative (DR) of a business must:

  • Be an individual;
  • Meet the eligibility requirements (educational and/or experience) to qualify as the DR for the class of license applying for;
  • Hold a certificate of authority that is of the same class as the certificate of authority held by the business; and
  • Have responsibility for the management and supervision of the business.

To apply for a corporate license, the individual applying as the Designated Representative must initiate and complete applications to apply to license the business (i.e. agencies, brokerages, adjusting firms).

If a business wishes to conduct insurance for life, accident & sickness, and general (as an insurance agent), the business must obtain a separate license for each class of license it wishes to conduct business in. They must also have a DR who meets the qualifications for the same class of insurance.

Application requirements for businesses (agencies, brokerages, adjusting firms)

Online approval by recommending insurer:

Applications for insurance agencies and their DRs must be submitted for approval/recommendation by the agent’s (DR) recommending insurer before they can be reviewed and processed by AIC.

    • No recommendation is required if you are:
      • the DR of a firm that adjusts losses limited to hail, travel, and equipment Warranty
      • the DR of an adjusting firm

Alberta Corporate Access Number

  • If the business is a corporation or partnership, the corporation or partnership must be registered with Alberta Corporate Registries in accordance with the Alberta Business Corporations Act or under the Partnership Act, if applicable. You will be required to provide the Alberta Corporate Access Number to submit the applications.
  • If the business only has a trade name, registration with Alberta Corporate Registries is not required.
  • If the business is an out-of-province corporation or partnership, it must be registered with Alberta Corporate Registry. The application will also require evidence that the business is licensed as an insurance agent by the appropriate licensing authority in its home jurisdiction and in the same name in which it is applying to be licensed in Alberta.

E&O requirements

Every business must have an Errors & Omissions policy issued by a licensed insurer in Alberta that meets the terms and conditions approved by AIC. The E&O policy must be issued in the name of the insurance agency or adjusting firm and cover all agents and adjusters of the agency or firm.

Note: A business that no longer has a DR must, within 14 days, submit the required application(s) for an individual who meets the qualifications to apply as the new DR. If the business does not comply with this requirement, the certificate(s) for the business is automatically suspended, in addition to any employees or independent contractors who are issued certificates to represent the business for the same class of license.

Changing your corporate insurance license information

You may change the DR of an agency/firm, the name of a licensed agency, and/or the agency’s recommending insurer.

To replace the current Designated Representative:

  • For agencies with two or more agents, have a qualified individual submit a new application that is approved by the same recommending insurer that sponsors the agency.
  • Email a signed PDF letter to to notify AIC that you are requesting a suspension (“termination”) of the current DR’s certificates. The letter must be on official business letterhead and indicate the DR’s full name, license number, reason for termination, and effective date.

To change the sponsoring insurer for an agency with only one agent who is also the DR:

To change the sponsoring insurer or agency name for agencies with two or more agents:

Before May 1 and after June 30, AIC can assist you without requiring every agent to submit individual applications. During that timeframe, email and provide:

  • The full name of your agency as it is currently licensed
  • Your agency’s existing Alberta license number
  • The Alberta Corporate Access Number for the existing agency (only applicable if the business is a corporation or partnership)
  • If changing the agency name:
    • The new name of the business you propose to change to (include the legal name and trade name, if applicable)
    • A copy of your E&O policy showing the new insured name

DR requirements for license classes:

Life and Accident & Sickness DR

There are no additional requirements for an individual who is applying to become the Life and/or Accident & Sickness Designated Representative.

View FAQs on Life and Accident & Sickness DRs

General Level 3 DR:

You can view the requirements for the General Level 3 DR here.

View FAQs on General DR

Adjuster Level 3 DR:

You can view the requirements for the Adjuster Level 3 DR here.

View FAQs on Adjuster DR

FAQs about Life and Accident & Sickness DRs

Answers to questions about licensing a business as a Life and Accident and Sickness DR

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “Life Designated Representative” and then select “Accident & Sickness Designated Representative” on the second application)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a Corporate License
  • Enter the Business name (if it is a new business name, click the red “Yes” to create it).
    • Note: You only create a new business name once; the name will be available to select from the drop-down list during the second application.
  • Type the Legal Name; you must apply in the exact same name you are licensed with in your home jurisdiction
  • Type the Trade Name (if applicable, otherwise leave blank)
  • Select Agency Type (If you select “Corporation,” you will be required to enter the Alberta Corporate Registry Access#)
  • Click “Save”
  • Enter your sponsor by typing in the first word of the company name and selecting from the drop-down list
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
    • When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however, two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license
  1. Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
    • Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.

  • Note: Do not select the business as the payee, as you will not be able to access the agency profile to complete payment.

6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once approved by the recommending insurance company (sponsor) and the fees are paid, the application will be submitted to AIC for final review.

  • For agencies with two or more agents: have a qualified individual submit an online application that is approved by the same sponsoring insurance company that sponsors the agency
  • A signed termination letter is required, requesting the suspension of the current DR’s license.
  • The letter must be on official letterhead indicating the agent’s full name, license number, effective date, and reason for the termination.
  • The signed PDF letter can be emailed to or attached under the application (question 3).
  • You may only request to terminate the current DR’s license once the AIC has received the paid and approved application for the new DR.

If you are replacing the DR outside of the renewal period:

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “Life Designated Representative” and then select “Accident & Sickness Designated Representative” on the second application)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a Corporate License
  • Enter your sponsor by starting to type the first word of the company name and selecting from the drop-down list; this must be the same sponsor.
    • If you are applying for an additional license, do not uncheck the pre-selected box under “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name).”
    • If you are transferring your current license, uncheck the box beside the option, “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name),” and answer “yes” to the question, “I am changing one of the following.” Then, under original license number, select your current license from the drop-down. This will set the personal DR’s fees to $25 for each license.
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
  • Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Note: When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however,  two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license.

4. Fully complete each section of the application.

  • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
    Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.
6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once approved by the recommending insurance company (sponsor) and the fees have been paid, the application will be submitted to the Alberta Insurance Council for final review.

To view your license certificates once you log into your AIC profile, click the arrow to the right of the name in the upper left corner and select the business name to switch to your corporate screen.

  • Then click on the green “Active Licenses” button to view your licenses. (Note: The  “P and S” are your personal licenses and the “5 and 6” are the corporate licenses for the business)
  • Click the icon under the “Actions” column to view and print your license certificate.
  • Click the PDF Adobe button in the top right to view the certificate and print or save it.

Note: If you cannot view the corporate screen, please ensure you log out and clear your browser history. Also, we recommend using Google Chrome.

No. All Life and Accident & Sickness licenses are approved by the sponsoring insurance company.

1. Log into your AIC account with your CIPR# or email address and password.
2. Place your mouse over your name in the top left-hand side to see the drop-down menu.
3. Select your agency from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on “payments” on the left hand side
5. Click “payables” to add item to an invoice
6. Select “agent application” by ticking the box on the left-hand side
7. Click “Add to invoice”
8. Click “Select an invoice”
9. Click “New Invoice” (Tip: You can add multiple items to the same invoice# if required)
10. Click “Submit”
11. Click “Pay with Credit Card”
12. Type in credit card number (no spaces or dashes) NOTE: we are unable to accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit for online transactions.
13. Enter 2-digit Month (e.g.: January = 01).
14. Enter last 2 digits of expiry year.
15. Click “Pay button” to complete.
16. Click “Print button” for receipt.
17. Click “Close” to return to invoice.

FAQs about General Insurance DRs

Answers to questions about licensing a business as a General DR

Applications must be initiated by Designated Representatives for businesses (agency/firm).

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “General Level 3 Designated Representative”)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a corporate license
  • Enter the business name (if it is a new business name, click the red “Yes” to create it).
  • Type the legal name; you must apply in the exact same name you are licensed with in your home jurisdiction
  • Type the trade name (if applicable; otherwise leave blank)
  • Select agency type (If you select “Corporation,” you will be required to enter the Alberta Corporate Registry Access #)
  • Click “Save”
  • Enter your sponsor by typing in the first word of the company name and selecting from the drop-down list
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
    • When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however, two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license
  1. Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
    • If you are applying based on course equivalencies (CAIB or CIP designation) or as being licensed in another jurisdiction for an equivalent license, please attach proof of eligibility under question 3 of the application.
    • Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.

  • Note: Do not select the business as the payee, as you will not be able to access the agency profile to complete payment.

6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once approved by the recommending insurance company (sponsor) and the fees are paid, the application will be submitted to AIC for final review.

  • Have a qualified individual submit an online application that is approved by the the new sponsoring insurance company.
  • A signed termination letter is required, requesting the suspension of the current DR’s license.
  • The letter must be on official letterhead indicating the agent’s full name, license number, effective date, and reason for the termination.
  • The signed PDF letter can be emailed to or attached under the application (question 3).
  • You may only request to terminate the current DR’s license once the AIC has received the paid and approved application for the new DR.

If you are replacing the DR outside of the renewal period:

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “General Level 3 Designated Representative)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a corporate license
  • Enter your sponsor by starting to type the first word of the company name and selecting from the drop-down list; this must be the same sponsor.
    • If you are applying for an additional license, do not uncheck the pre-selected box under “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name).”
    • If you are transferring your current license, uncheck the box beside the option, “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name),” and answer “yes” to the question, “I am changing one of the following.” Then, under original license number, select your current license from the drop-down. This will set the personal DR’s fees to $25 for each license.
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
  • Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Note: When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however,  two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license.

4. Fully complete each section of the application.

  • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
  • If you are applying based on course equivalencies (CAIB or CIP designation) or as being licensed in another jurisdiction for an equivalent license, please attach proof of eligibility under question 3 of the application. Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.
6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once approved by the recommending insurance company (sponsor) and the fees have been paid, the application will be submitted to the Alberta Insurance Council for final review.

To view your license certificates once you log into your AIC profile, click the arrow to the right of the name in the upper left corner and select the business name to switch to your corporate screen.

  • Then click on the green “Active Licenses” button to view your licenses. (Note: The “K” is your personal license and the “7” is the corporate license for the business)
  • Click the icon under the “Actions” column to view and print your license certificate.
  • Click the PDF Adobe button in the top right to view the certificate and print or save it.

Note: If you cannot view the corporate screen, please ensure you log out and clear your browser history. Also, we recommend using Google Chrome.

As the General Level 3 DR, you can approve applications for:

  • General Insurance probationary;
  • General Level 1; and
  • General Level 2.

To approve the application, please follow the instructions below:

1. Log into your AIC account with your CIPR# or email address and password.
2. Place your mouse over your name n the top left-hand side to see the drop-down menu
3. Click on your agency name in the drop-down menu
4. Click on “licenses”
5. Click on “license applications”
6. Applications have three statuses:

  • Waiting for applicant to complete application
  • Awaiting approval by sponsoring company/Designated Representative
  • Waiting for license fee payment to be made

7. On the right-hand side, click on the Actions button to view the application with the “Awaiting Approval by Sponsoring Company/Designated Representative” status
8. Review the application for any incomplete and/or incorrect information.
9. If you require more information and want to return the application to the agent, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “send back to agent.”
10. A box will appear to allow you to input the reason for sending back the application.
11. Click “Send.” An email will be sent to the agent with a link to AIC. They will have to login and amend the application and send it back to be re-reviewed by the DR.
12. If you do not want to continue with this agent’s application, click the red “Decline Application” button and provide a reason.
13. If the application is ready to be approved, click “Approve Application.”
14. Read and acknowledge the declarations and click on “Yes, approve the application”
15. Once you have submitted the application to AIC,  the status will show green if the application is pending payment or black (indicating the application is under review by AIC).

1. Log into your AIC account with your CIPR# or email address and password.
2. Place your mouse over your name in the top left-hand side to see the drop-down menu.
3. Select your agency from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on “payments” on the left hand side
5. Click “payables” to add item to an invoice
6. Select “agent application” by ticking the box on the left-hand side
7. Click “Add to invoice”
8. Click “Select an invoice”
9. Click “New Invoice” (Tip: You can add multiple items to the same invoice# if required)
10. Click “Submit”
11. Click “Pay with Credit Card”
12. Type in credit card number (no spaces or dashes) NOTE: we are unable to accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit for online transactions.
13. Enter 2-digit Month (e.g.: January = 01).
14. Enter last 2 digits of expiry year.
15. Click “Pay” to complete.
16. Click “Print” for receipt.
17. Click “Close” to return to invoice.

FAQs about Adjuster DR

Answers to questions about licensing a business as an Adjuster DR

Applications must be initiated by Designated Representatives for businesses (agency/firm).

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “Adjuster – Level 3 Designated Representative”)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a corporate license
  • Enter the business name (if it is a new business name, click the red “Yes” to create it).
  • Type the legal name; you must apply in the exact same name you are licensed with in your home jurisdiction
  • Type the trade name (if applicable, otherwise leave blank)
  • Select agency type (If you select “Corporation,” you will be required to enter the Alberta Corporate Registry Access#)
  • Click “Save”
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
    • When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however, two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license
  1. Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Under the Employment History section, ensure you indicate at least 60 months of adjuster experience within the 10-year period immediately preceding the date of application.
    • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
    • Answer “yes” to question 1 of the application that asks, “Have you completed any of the CIP (AIIC)/FCIP (FIIC) courses from the Insurance Institute of Canada?” Attach a pdf of your official transcript and CIP or FCIP designation. The document must indicate your name and the courses taken.
    • Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.

  • Note: Do not select the business as the payee, as you will not be able to access the agency profile to complete payment.

6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once submitted and the fees are paid, the application will be submitted to AIC for final review.

Note: A current criminal check will not be required if you are reinstating a license (re-applying in the same term).

  • Have a qualified individual submit an online application that is approved by the the new sponsoring insurance company.
  • A signed termination letter is required, requesting the suspension of the current DR’s license.
  • The letter must be on official letterhead indicating the agent’s full name, license number, effective date, and reason for the termination.
  • The signed PDF letter can be emailed to or attached under the application (question 3).
  • You may only request to terminate the current DR’s license once the AIC has received the paid and approved application for the new DR.

If you are replacing the DR outside of the renewal period:

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address and Password.
  2. Click the green “Active Licenses” button.
  3. Click “Apply for a License” in the top right of the screen.
  • Select I am applying for “myself”
  • Select the License Class (select “Adjuster  – Level 3 Designated Representative)
    • Note: By selecting Designated Representative, this means you are applying for a Corporate license
      • If you are applying for an additional license, do not uncheck the pre-selected box under “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name).”
      • If you are transferring your current license, uncheck the box beside the option, “I am replacing license (license #) of (current’s DR’s name) for agency (agency name),” and answer “yes” to the question, “I am changing one of the following.” Then, under original license number, select your current license from the drop-down. This will set the personal DR’s fees to $25 for each license.
  • Click the blue “Continue” button
  • Click “Yes, Create” application.
  • Fully complete each section of the application.
    • Note: When you view the application, you will see both your personal and corporate applications as one application; however,  two separate licenses will be issued: a personal license and a corporate license.

4. Fully complete each section of the application.

  • Read and answer all questions. If any questions are answered “yes,” enter the information in the box provided and provide an attachment (if required).
  • Answer “yes” to question 1 of the application that asks, “Have you completed any of the CIP (AIIC)/FCIP (FIIC) courses from the Insurance Institute of Canada?” Attach a pdf of your official transcript and CIP or FCIP designation. The document must indicate your name and the courses taken.
  • Click “Save Application” after each section as you complete your application.

5. Under the “Payment Option,” select “you are paying”; the fees will automatically be added to an invoice. We only accept Visa or Mastercard as payment methods and do not accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit payments.
6. Once the application is complete, click the green “Submit Application” button at the bottom of the application and a declaration box will pop up for you to complete.
7. Once submitted and the fees are paid, the application will be submitted to AIC for final review.

To view your license certificates once you log into your AIC profile, click the arrow to the right of the name in the upper left corner and select the business name to switch to your corporate screen.

  • Then click on the green “Active Licenses” button to view your licenses. (Note: The “E” is your personal license and the “8” is the corporate license for the business)
  • Click the icon under the “Actions” column to view and print your license certificate.
  • Click the PDF Adobe button in the top right to view the certificate and print or save it.

Note: If you cannot view the corporate screen, please ensure you log out and clear your browser history. Also, we recommend using Google Chrome.

As the Adjuster Level 3 DR, you can approve applications for:

  • Adjuster Level 1
  • Adjuster Level 2
  • Adjuster Level 3

To approve the application, please follow the instructions below:

1. Log into your AIC account with your CIPR# or email address and password.
2. Place your mouse over your name on the top left-hand side to see the drop-down menu
3. Click on your agency name in the drop-down menu
4. Click on “licenses”
5. Click on “license applications”
6. Applications have three statuses:

  • Waiting for applicant to complete application
  • Awaiting approval by sponsoring company/designated representative
  • Waiting for license fee payment to be made

7. On the right-hand side, click on the “Actions” button to view the application with the “Awaiting Approval by Sponsoring Company/Designated Representative” status
8. Review the application for any incomplete and/or incorrect information.
9. If you require more information and want to return the application to the agent, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on “send back to agent.”
10. A box will appear to allow you to input the reason for sending back the application.
11. Click “Send.” An email will be sent to the agent with a link to AIC. They will have to login and amend the application and send it back to be re-reviewed by the DR.
12. If you do not want to continue with this agent’s application, click the red “Decline Application” button and provide a reason.
13. If the application is ready to be approved, click “Approve Application.”
14. Read and acknowledge the declarations and click on “Yes, approve the application”
15. Once you have submitted the application to AIC,  the status will show green if the application is pending payment or black (indicating the application is under review by AIC).

1. Log into your AIC account with your CIPR# or email address and password.
2. Place your mouse over your name in the top left-hand side to see the drop-down menu.
3. Select your agency from the drop-down menu.
4. Click on “payments” on the left hand side
5. Click “payables” to add item to an invoice
6. Select “agent application’ by ticking the box on the left-hand side
7. Click “Add to invoice”
8. Click “Select an invoice”
9. Click “New Invoice” (Tip: You can add multiple items to the same invoice# if required)
10. Click “Submit”
11. Click “Pay with Credit Card”
12. Type in credit card number (no spaces or dashes) NOTE: we are unable to accept Visa Debit or Mastercard Debit for online transactions.
13. Enter 2-digit Month (e.g.: January = 01).
14. Enter last 2 digits of expiry year.
15. Click “Pay” to complete.
16. Click “Print” for receipt.
17. Click “Close” to return to invoice.