Non-Alberta residents

Non-Alberta residents may be eligible to apply for a license without having to pass our provincial exams if they hold an active license that is equivalent to Alberta’s.

Alberta license equivalencies

An individual who is a non-resident of Alberta is eligible to apply for a license without having to write and pass our provincial exams if they hold an active license that is equivalent to Alberta’s.

If you are new to the province and have held an insurance license from another home jurisdiction equivalent to Alberta within the last 12 months of AIC receiving your approved and paid application, you may be eligible for a license without having to write and pass our provincial exams.

If your current non-Alberta license is not equivalent to Alberta’s, you will need to complete the educational requirements of the Alberta license, including taking the appropriate exam.

There is no license transfer process from one province to another. Both Alberta residents and non-Alberta residents will need to submit a new application for each insurance license class they intend to hold, as well as comply with our licensing requirements.

All applicants must also satisfy the requirements for certification set out on the Applying for a license page.

Alberta insurance license equivalencies for non-residents and newcomers

  • BC Adjuster = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • BC General Level 1 = AB General Level 1
  • BC General Level 2 (no restrictions) = AB General Level 2
  • BC General Nominee = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • BC Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • SK Adjuster = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • SK General Level 1 = AB General Level 1
  • SK General Level 2 or 3 = AB General Level 2
  • SK General Designated Representative = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • SK Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • MB Adjuster = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • MB General Level 1 (no restrictions) = AB General Level 1
  • MB General Level 2 = AB General Level 2
  • MB General Level 3/Operating Agent = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • MB Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • FSRA Full Adjuster = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • FSRA Probationary Adjuster = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • FSRA Letter of Authority and proof of C11, C12, C14, and C17 or C110 = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • FSRA OTL license (other than Life) = AB General Level 1
  • FSRA Designated Agent – AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • FSRA Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • RIBO General Level 1 = AB General Level 1
  • RIBO General Level 2 = AB General Level 2
  • RIBO General Level 3 = AB General Level 2
  • RIBO General Level 3 + Principal Broker = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • AMF Claims Adjustment (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • AMF Full Damage license = AB General Level 1
  • AMF Officer Responsible = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • AMF Insurance of Persons license (with Common Law Ethics exam) = AB Life license and A&S license
  • NB Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • NB General Level 1 – not equivalent (personal lines only)
  • NB General Level 2 = AB General Level 1
  • NB General Level 3 = AB General Level 2 or General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • NB Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • NFLD Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • NFLD General Level 1 = AB General Level 1
  • NFLD General Level 2 or 3 = AB General Level 2
  • NFLD Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • NS Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • NS General Level 1 = AB General Level 1
  • NS General Level 2 or 3 = AB General Level 2
  • NS General Agent in Charge = AB General Level 3/Designated Representative
  • NS Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • PEI Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • PEI General = AB General Level 1
  • PEI Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • NT Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • NT General = AB General Level 1
  • NT Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • NT Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • NT General = AB General Level 1
  • NT Life license = AB Life license and A&S license
  • YT Adjuster (no restrictions) = AB Level 1 Adjuster
  • YT General = AB General Level 1
  • YT Life license = AB Life license and A&S license

Note: To hold a corporate license in Alberta, the business must be licensed in the exact same name as it is licensed in the home jurisdiction to be eligible.

US residents

A US resident is eligible to apply for a license without having to write and pass our provincial exams by holding an active license that is equivalent to Alberta’s.

If an individual holds an active license in another Canadian province that is equivalent to Alberta’s, they must provide proof of those license qualifications, including proof they passed the required exams.

If they are applying for an adjuster license, an individual must provide proof they hold an adjuster license without restrictions; in Alberta, a licensed adjuster is able to adjust any type of claim.

U.S. residents must obtain an FBI or First Advantage criminal record check conducted within three months from AIC receiving the approved and paid application.

U.S. Adjuster equivalencies

These U.S. Adjuster licenses have been determined to be equivalent to an Alberta Level 1 Adjuster.

If your license is not listed, eligibility will be determined on a case-by-case basis for U.S. licenses from other states.













New York


South Carolina


West Virginia

U.S. license equivalency

Property & Casualty, including Crop

(TBD; waiting on response from California Department of Insurance)

CA - All Lines and CA - All Lines, “Except WC"

All Lines license

Adjuster license - Property & Casualty 

Property & Casualty 

Property & Casualty (with crop)

Fire & Other Hazards

Property & Casualty (with crop)

Property & Casualty

Property & Casualty 

Independent Adjuster General license

Property & Casualty 

Adjuster license - Property & Casualty 

All Lines license 

Property & Casualty 

Applicants from other countries

To be eligible for a license, an individual must provide one of the following:

    1. Proof of holding an active license in any of the Canadian provinces that is equivalent to Alberta’s, including proof of their license qualifications, as well as a copy of the official exam transcript required by that jurisdiction’s regulator.
    2. Complete the required qualification program (LLQP or GLQP) and pass our provincial exams within the previous 12 months of AIC receiving the approved and paid application.