Appeal a decision
An individual who is affected by a decision of the General Insurance Council, the Life Insurance Council, or the Insurance Adjusters’ Council may appeal the decision to the Insurance Councils Appeal Board of Alberta.
The AIC cannot provide legal advice to a current or former holder of a certificate of authority (license). However, as disclosed in all Council Decisions, the Insurance Act and its Regulations outline the requirements of the process of appeal.
Process of appeal
- The Industry Council makes a decision. The individual or business has 30 days to appeal the decision of the Industry Council.
- The appellant must submit a Notice of Appeal to the Office of the Superintendent of Insurance (Superintendent) within those 30 days.
- The Superintendent will review the Notice of Appeal. If the notice is approved, the Superintendent will both notify the AIC of the appeal and appoint members of the Insurance Councils Appeal Board (ICAB) to hear the appeal.
- The ICAB Chair sets a hearing date. All parties may provide written submissions, no later than seven days before the hearing date, along with notice of any in-person witnesses.
- All parties attend the hearing on the date set by the ICAB Chair. The duration of a hearing will depend on the type and complexity of the matter.
- Following the hearing, the ICAB has 30 days to render a decision that may alter, confirm, or overturn the decision by the Industry Council.
- A copy of the final decision is mailed to the appealer, the AIC, and the Superintendent.
- If the decision relates to a disciplinary matter, the final decision is posted to the AIC website. Decisions related to licensing matters are not posted.
How to submit an appeal
Your Notice of Appeal must contain the following:
- A copy of the notice of the decision being appealed.
- A description of the requested outcome by the appellant.
- The signature of the appellant or the appellant’s lawyer.
- An Alberta address for the appellant.
- An appeal fee of $200, payable to the Provincial Treasurer.
If you’d like to appeal a Council Decision, the AIC has a comprehensive guideline for creating your appeal and the procedural information about the process. The guideline outlines the procedures for appealing a Council Decision before the Insurance Councils Appeal Board.
Have you had a change in circumstance?
If you intend to file a Notice of Appeal and have received a decision that contains outdated information or information that no longer applies to your current circumstances, please immediately contact the AIC’s Director of Legal and Regulatory Affairs.
Some examples of a change in circumstance include:
- Your sponsor has withdrawn sponsorship.
- You sponsoring agency/insurer is no longer operating.
- You have been terminated by your agency/sponsor.
- You had discontinued your sole proprietorship.
- You have left your position with your agency/sponsor.
- You have attempted to transfer your license to a new agency/sponsor.
About ICAB
The Insurance Councils Appeal Board (ICAB) is a separate entity from the Councils and is comprised of both elected and appointed members. The Insurance Councils Appeal Board is impartial and, in accordance with the Insurance Councils Regulation,
“(4) No member of the Appeal Board who has an interest in the subject-matter raised in a notice of appeal, whether directly or because of the member’s position, affiliation or involvement in or with an organization, firm or business, may participate in the panel that will decide the appeal.”
s. 17(4) Insurance Councils Regulation AR 126/2001
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Ensure compliance with the legislative requirements for your license: read up on the Insurance Act & its Regulations.
Insurance Act & Regulations