Council Decisions

What are Council Decisions?

Investigative files are opened as the result of a consumer complaint, other regulators, or they may be initiated as a result of AIC audit activities. After notifying the complainant that a file has been opened, the AIC Compliance team conducts a thorough, unbiased investigation and presents the findings to the appropriate Council for decision.

By order of the Minister of Finance, all decisions of the General, Life, and Adjusters’ Insurance Councils are to be published and easily accessible.

Decisions and disciplinary actions can be found at the links below. They are searchable by individual or agency name, and you can also subscribe to the feed to get notifications of any new Council Decisions.

Detailed Alberta Decisions

Canadian Insurance Regulators - Disciplinary Actions

Do you know what is allowable and prohibited as a licensed insurance professional?

Ensure compliance with the legislative requirements for your license: read up on the Insurance Act & its Regulations.

Insurance Act & Regulations