Annual license renewal

Annual renewal period

The annual renewal period runs from May 1–June 30. You will not be able to renew your certificate before May 1.

Unless renewed, all licenses issued before May 1 automatically expire on June 30. In order to continue being licensed professionals, individuals must renew their license before June 30 during the renewal period.

Licenses issued on or after May 1 during the renewal period will expire on June 30 of the following year.

If individuals do not renew their licenses by June 30, they are not allowed to conduct insurance business and must reapply for their licenses.

Changes that affect the renewal process:

Have any of the following changed?

  • Personal name
  • Recommending insurance company
  • Name of the representing agency/business or firm when conducting insurance business

If any of the above has changed, you will be required to complete a new application for licenses. Do not complete the normal renewal process.

Renewal requirements

All licensees (Life and Accident & Sickness insurance agents, General insurance agents and Adjusters) are required to have 15 hours of continuing education credits per class of license per year (starting July 1, ending June 30) to meet license renewal conditions. A maximum of 7.5 hours of credits can be carried forward from one year to the next.

If your license has expired

All license certificates automatically expire on June 30 if they are not renewed. If that happens, you will no longer be authorized to act as an insurance agent/adjuster.

It’s an offense under the Insurance Act to carry out insurance agent business without a certificate of authority (license).

To reapply, you will be required to complete and submit a new application with the appropriate payment. You will not be able to act as an insurance agent/adjuster until a new license has been issued.

To process your new applications, you must have your CE requirements up to date. If you are reapplying within six months of the date you last held a license and it is a new license term beginning July 1, you must complete the CE requirements for the previous term.

Preparing to renew your licenses

  • Ensure your CE requirements have been met, and the complete details entered in the AIC Portal.
  • Non-resident agents with acceptable CE in their home jurisdiction must enter the license number under “Non-Alberta Licenses” in the AIC Portal to be exempt from Alberta requirements. However, not all jurisdictions are exempt. To determine if you are exempt, view the CE requirements.
  • Active E&O policy information is automatically entered onto your renewal application. If this section is blank, it means the previous E&O has expired and you will be required to enter this information before submitting your renewal.
  • If your agency/company is paying the renewal fees, do not start the renewal process until you’ve confirmed your agency/company has paid the renewal fees. If the license renewal fees are not paid in advance before you submit your renewal application, you will have to pay the fees. It will be your responsibility to have the fee reimbursed by your agency or company.

How to complete the renewal application

Step-by-step instructions on completing the renewal application in the AIC Portal

  1. Log into the AIC Portal with your CIPR# or email address & password.
  2. Click on the orange “Renewals” box from the home screen.
  3. Disregard the “Apply for a license.” The renewal application(s) will be located on the bottom of the page, under “Renewals.”
  4. Select the license(s) you intend to renew by clicking the box to the left of the renewal.
  5. Then click on the blue “Renew # selected licenses” below the pending renewal.
  6. The renewal record is displayed; now follow steps 1 to 5

Note: the blue “continue” button will need to be clicked after each of the following steps:

  • Step 1 – Payment: If fees are not paid by the agency, the fees will automatically be added to an invoice for the agent to pay  themselves.
  • Step 2 – Address: Click the edit box (pencil icon) to update the business address (if necessary)
  • Step 3 – Errors & Omissions Policy: If the coverage status indicates “Active,” click continue; otherwise, click the “Add Errors & Omissions Policy” button on the right of the screen to add the current policy information for each class of insurance you hold.
    • Note: The policy information must be entered separately for each license you hold.
  • After the policy information has been entered and saved, the renewal will reflect “To be added,” which indicates the E&O policy information will be updated once completed.
    • The E&O policy of an agency/firm must provide coverage to all agents/adjusters of the same agency/firm. The DR is responsible for adding that E&O policy information for all licensees.
    • If the current E&O info has expired, the policy must be “in force” to renew the certificate(s).
  • Step 4 Questions & Declarations: Select “Yes” or “No” to answer questions. If you answer “yes” to any question, you must provide details in the response box below the question.
  • Then, read the declarations and check the boxes confirming the declarations.
  • Step 5 – Submit Renewals: Click the green “Submit Renewals” button to complete the renewal process and pay the license fee (if it hasn’t already been paid by your agency or insurer) to complete the renewal.
  1. Pay for your renewal using Visa or Mastercard.
    • Enter the 16-digit credit card number with no spaces and the 2-digit month and 2-digit year.
    • Note: American Express, Visa-Debit, and Mastercard-Debit are not accepted.

If your application requires further review, an email will be sent to you by a Licensing Officer. Ensure the email address registered under your CIPR profile is current.

Note: License renewals for restricted certificates can only be completed by the Designated Individual.

  1. The Designated Individual must log into the AIC Portal with their CIPR# or email address & password.
  2. Click on the orange “Renewals” box from the home screen.
  3. Disregard the “Apply for a license.” The renewal application(s) will be located on the bottom of the page, under “Renewals.”
  4. Select the license(s) you intend to renew by clicking the box to the left of the renewal.
  5. Then click on the blue “Renew # selected licenses” below the pending renewal.
  6. The renewal record is displayed; now follow steps 1 to 5

Note: the blue “continue” button will need to be clicked after each of the following steps:

  • Step 1 – Number of employees: Select the number of employees selling the insurance for the business to set the license fee.
  • Step 2 – Address: Click the Edit box (pencil icon) to update the business address (if necessary)
  • Step 3 – Errors & Omissions Policy: If the coverage status indicates “Active,” click continue; otherwise, click the “Add Errors & Omissions Policy” button on the right of the screen to add the current policy information for each class of insurance you hold.
    • Note: The policy information must be entered separately for each license you hold.
  • After the policy information has been entered and saved, the renewal will reflect “To be added,” which indicates the E&O policy information will be updated once completed.
    • If the current E&O info has expired, the policy must be “in force” to renew the certificate(s).
  • Step 4 – Questions & Declarations: Select “Yes” or “No” to answer questions. If you answer “yes” to any question, you must provide details in the response box below the question.
  • Then, read the declarations and check the boxes confirming the declarations.
  • Step 5 – Submit Renewals: Click the green “Submit Renewals” button to complete the renewal process.
  1. Pay for your renewal using Visa or Mastercard.
    • Enter the 16-digit credit card number with no spaces and the 2-digit month and 2-digit year.
    • Note: American Express, Visa-Debit, and Mastercard-Debit are not accepted.

If your application requires further review, an email will be sent to you by a Licensing Officer. Ensure the email address registered under your CIPR profile is current.

Still have questions on how to renew your license(s)?

View FAQs on license renewals

If you have questions that are not answered in the FAQs, email Please include your CIPR number or your license number in the subject line of the email.