Codes of Conduct for insurance professionals & Industry Councils

All Alberta brokers, agents, and adjusters are encouraged to read their related Code of Conduct from the Industry Councils.

The underlying tenet of the business of insurance is utmost good faith.

When purchasing insurance, Albertans trust in the expertise and advice of their agent and/or adjuster and trust that they are covered against loss or liability for loss in the event of a specified peril. To ensure and maintain that trust, it is vital that licensed insurance intermediaries uphold a reputation for integrity, competence, and good faith.

The Industry Councils (General Insurance Council, Independent Adjusters’ Council, and the Life Insurance Council) have each established a Code of Conduct that outlines the minimum standard of conduct expected of agents, brokers, and independent adjusters when dealing with clients, insurers, claimants, the public, and other stakeholders that rely on their services. The codes of conduct also help Albertans understand the standard of conduct they should expect from their agent.

All Alberta agents and adjusters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with their related code of conduct and ensure they are conducting themselves using the principles of behaviour expected of a licensed professional (i.e. integrity and trustworthiness, good faith, financial integrity, and confidentiality).

General Insurance Council Code of Conduct

Insurance Adjusters' Council Code of Conduct

Life Insurance Council Code of Conduct

Insurance agents are the public face of the industry and are responsible for maintaining the highest possible standard of ethical conduct and encouraging others to do the same.

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