Superintendent of Insurance – Consumer Alert: Fraudulent auto insurance from unlicensed insurance agent/broker (“ghost broker”)

  • Consumer resources
  • Superintendent notices

This Consumer Alert from the Superintendent cautions Albertans to beware of insurance fraud when purchasing automobile insurance.

Over the past year, the Superintendent of Insurance has noted an increase in reports of fraudulent, unlicensed insurance agents or brokers, known as “ghost brokers,” offering automobile insurance in Alberta. A ghost broker is often knowledgeable about insurance and claims to help automobile owners get an inside track to cheaper insurance. They often operate online through social media platforms or over the phone, and tend to target newcomers to Canada and/or people who are unfamiliar with Alberta’s automobile insurance system.

Read the Superintendent of Insurance’s Consumer Alert to learn how ghost brokers operate and how consumers can protect themselves.

All Alberta consumers are encouraged to use AIC’s Agent Lookup tool to verify they are receiving services from a licensed, qualified insurance agent or broker; this is an essential safeguard to protect yourself from ghost brokers and other unlicensed individuals.

Learn how Ghost Brokers operate

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